The title is an inside joke. And I'm so happy and proud that I have inside jokes with Georgian people. You may already guess what a perfect trip me and Heidi had to Tbilisi, Gori, Signari and Mtskheta!
Of course the Western (or at least Scandinavian) system is not perfect either. Instead of valuing virginity, for us it’s a symptom of freakiness. The opposite social pressure, the demand to have sex leads to too early sexual experiences. In Finland it’s more and more common that girls of age 12-13 have sex already. That’s at least as dangerous as the demand of virginity.
The different up-bringing of girls and boys in Georgia is a symptom of a patriarchal culture. Hannu Raittila argued in his new book ”Ulkona” (my great, great travel book in Georgia) accurately: Welfare society is the best thing women have faced. When the society is family-centred, it’s usually also patriarchal and men-dominated. Welfare society with its kindergartens and gender equality programs liberate women from the economic dependence of their fathers and husbands. In Georgia women are highly appreciated by men but they’re also expected to have children and take care of housework (including washing their husband’s shitty underwear: sentence from which I’ll be remembered in Georgia). Childless woman is one of the biggest tragedies in Georgia, which is also the reason why our friends couldn’t understand why we consider adoption to be an option for getting a child.
Heidi and me were also a bit offended when (male) acquaintances of our Georgian friends didn’t shake our hands or spoke to us. When we asked about it, Georgians explained that even though they didn’t speak to us, they spoke all the time about us. They just valued our space so much that they didn’t feel that it would be appropriate to speak to us. That may be the truth but me and Heidi sensed patriarchalism is this tradition: women are ”owned” by their father or husband which is the reason men also discuss for the women as well while women are left out of the conversation. But still after the explanation were felt less offended, they were just really polite to us in Georgian style.
Even though we disagreed greatly in some things, we had super good conversations with our Georgian friends. Usually I have such an in-depth conversations only with my boyfriend and with my closest friends. We were amazed how thoughtful and deep 20-year-old Georgians could be. Still few days after the trip I have been floating in this strange spiritual mood: one week of good discussions left stuff to think about at least for the next month. Even though Heidi and I have travelled quite a lot, at least I haven’t meet such political youngsters who also appreciate their traditions more than any other nation I have met. And indeed we got the opportunity to participate Georgian traditions also by ourselves!
Hospitality is one of the most famous and highlighted traditions in Georgia. ”Guest are gift from God” we heard more than once or twice. Heidi and me tried to fight to pay our own meals but it turned out to be impossible: for Georgians guests are always only a joy, which is why they wanted to pay all the meals for us. Guests are invited to join Georgian style dinner supra, which is a traditional feast with wine and food more than you could ever imagine. Georgian food is above excellent: khatsapuri with cheese, potato or mushrooms; pkhali with beans, nuts or spinach; lobio with beans; khinkali with mushrooms and potatoe; aubergines with nut sauce; cheese filled mushrooms; fresh Georgian-produced vegetables and fruits; spicy adzhika or ajapsandali and so on. And as vegetarians we could only taste the meatless dishes which was big tragedy for our hosts (in Georgia being a vegetarian is just a big joke). In supra you flush the food down with excellent Georgian wines, which you’re only allowed to drink when the toastmaster, tamada, rises his glass and proposes a next toast. Unlike in Russia, you don’t drink only for ”health”, ”beauty” of ”friendship” but you listen a five to ten minute speech about various topics with long explanation and historical background of the toast. That’s why you can never really get drunk in Georgia because you only drink at the same time with others. In Georgia is a shame to be drunk (yet another thing which makes Georgians more Europeans than Russians). We enjoyed supra more than once but what was shocking for us Finns was the fact that part of the tradition is to order so much food to the table that you manage to eat only max. ¼ of the dishes. All food is shared but still my Finnish children-starve-in-Africa-and-there-was-the-winter-war-so-finish-your-food-heart was crying to see all the food go to the bin. All the khatsapuris I could save to my stomach are thrown away all the time!
Despite the abuse of food, the best memories of Georgia are from supras which we had with Ziki, Zuka, Kate, Irakli, Levan and George. The toasts toastmaster raised led to good discussion about love, future, politics and life in general. Even thought some of the toasts were rather sentimental, Heidi and me jumped straight into the tradition. I could speak about love and life in a way, which would have felt super ridiculous in Finland (where people rather shut up than reveal their deepest thoughts). In Georgia it felt just normal. Maybe I dropped part of my Finnish cynicism to Georgia (hah, I wish).
Other great tradition of Georgians is their summerhouse culture, which is amazingly similar to Finnish one. We had a great opportunity to visit Irakli's family’s summer house in Eastern part of Georgia which was one of the most beautiful areas I have ever seen: snow-topped Caucasus mountains on the background, wine yards and sheep shepherds on the green countryside which was filled with medieval castles and churches. Another surprising thing was the amount of donkeys we saw: in almost every back yard there was a donkey helping in the farm work. The summerhouse was quite similar with the Finnish ones: with garden to grow own vegetables, small (empty) animal shelters and modest rooms for sleeping. Actually the house where we were was above average but the summer cottage culture was quite Finnish: the houses are the home farms of the parents of our friends and Georgian children spend their summers at the countryside. Parents and students visit summer places on holidays and weekends. Just like we in Finland!
In addition to the supras and cottage trip offered by our friends we faced amazingly open-hearted hospitality from total strangers as well: babushka at the orthodox church fed us with home-made cup-cakes, taxi driver's babushka sent us bag full of famous Gori apples and the relatives (babushka again) of our friends offered us a really good dinner in Gori, in their super fancy restaurant which usually hosts political and economic elite of Georgia. Less attractive part of Gori was the museum of Stalin; the museum is the center of the small city and some how the guide forgot to tell us the bad things Stalin did. Our guided tour went more or less like this: "Stalin was born here, he also studied here, then he was chosen to be the leader of Soviet Union, then he wan the war against nazis and then he died". What happened to the 27 million dead Soviet people and to Ukrainian famine? Luckily intelligent Georgians (like our friends) know truth about their anti-hero.
All in all on our Georgian turnée I learned more about international politics (the Georgian-Russian war was one of the main topics in our conversations), life and from Georgian culture (now I sound sentimental in Georgian style again) and I think our Georgian friends also got something (gender equality I hope) to think about from us. Heidi and me promised to be Finnish godmothers for the future children of our friends and to put some feminists ideas into the heads of little Georgian boys and girls. In the same way I hope that Georgian friends would teach parts of their culture for Finns: especially appreciating older people and valuing traditions are things we should learn from Georgians.
Any way, fundamentally we're quite similar: small 5 millions people's countries next to Russia, with our unique languages nobody speaks enjoying our summer cottages and beautiful nature.
p.s. Returning to Russia after Georgian hospitality was a smaller culture shock than I expected: babushkas in the bus offered me some shampanskoje to celebrate the Victory Day which today fills the streets of Russian cities with army parades and concerts.
WOW ! <-- this is my frst expression bout your essay or rticle, or whtever it is :)
VastaaPoistaSo, i just want to make some comments and add something that i think is noteworthy hehe :)
1. Thnks for your "nice-looking Georgian guyz". are we??? :))))))
2. I didn't think that "backseat music" experience would be so memorable to you haha:))) I'm proud u liked our music :)))
3. Your in-depth discussions bout sex issue among our society and youth is very funny :)))) You mentioned it right: eventually both guyz and girlz are unsatisfied. It's like an economy: the more artificial barriers and control on the economy-the less welfare and efficiency for the economy :)))
4. Tragedy of a childless women takes roots from our historical background. Georgia was always a small country, being attacked and invaded all the time.So our genes needed to be saved. Thus, it was very important to have many sons. Even today,new-born sons are more "welcomed" then daugthers(subconsciously). Having a son meant having another defender of our nation, culture and history. that's the point :)
5.I was very offended when u told us that u felt "uniportant" when our male acquaintances didn't shake your hands...They just didn;t want to intervene in your intimate space. I'm glad u got it :)
6.Term "political youngsters" is a bit much for us I think :)))
7.You wrote there: "guests are ONLY a joy for Georgians". I think it's "a WHOLE joy" rather than "only a joy" :))))))
8.Ok,ok...don't cry and complain bout 3/4 of your Khachapuri. Don't be so greedy :)))))))
9....and may i know why the things that are sentimental here, seem to be ridiculous in Finland?..
sincerely yours,
Zviadi --> Ziki (political youngster from Geo)
P.S. i'm so lazy to proof-read, so sorrys for my mistakes in case i have ones. :)))
Thanks for the comment which came from an original Georgian source!
VastaaPoistahere are some comments for the comments :)
I'm happy that you clarified your Georgians traditions a bit more, I'm sure I missed one or two important points. But I also remind that all that I write is only my interpretation of what happened: so when I say that you're good-looking and political, that is the way I see you (even if you don't see yourselves as political youngster:))
And about the sentimentalism: we loved it (!), but in Finland people are just not that open about their feelings. That's what Finns are famous for! (you may have heard the Russian joke about goryatsii finskii paren). So in this habit I really prefer Georgian style more than Finnish style!
I was a bit worried to publish the text because I wasn't sure how you would react, but what I learned in Georgia, is that you appreciate honesty and openness. And what kind journalist I would be, if I would be afraid of writing about sensitive issues!!
So please, all further comments are welcome, especially the critical ones :)))))
I'm also looking forward to Suvi's explanation of Zviadi's question nr. 9.
VastaaPoistaGreets from Switzerland
Once again she was faster than me....
HELLO to Thomas!!! Wie geht's mein Freund? :)))
VastaaPoistaWell,Suvi,I think that your are more or less objective, given the informnation u have at hand. And my comment doesnt mean that i reprimand your level of objectivity. Ofcourse i know that all u write is your own,subjective interpretation, but i made some notes for you ti get some more fepth in the topic. As a whole, i do see your opinion and perception pretty objective,wise and to the point. :)
In 2 years time i see u as a settled professional and outstanding journalist !
Thomas, I think u gotta be glad to have such a great GF :)
From Geo with love:)
I wanna go to Georgia too!!!